New Deal -
was going to write about the incompetence, bureaucracy, politics, a hyper-critical I have for my dear idiosyncrasies and society chilensis where I live, but I preferred to ignore for a moment my shrill critics that I know will not be heard, to talk about the opposite, the good of the world. Whenever I complained
people who write, writing pure leseras depressing, that are sad, never highlight the happiness, and well, somehow I became a writer again, a more pessimistic in what they call artist (yuck). But not anymore, not anymore, because today there is a different song in my mind, because in the only hearing my mp3 it sounds there is a new tune, sounding drums, percussion and my head spins, turns, as in a dream look at a Earth's axis and I get dizzy, I get dizzy.
Why does man always have to fix the bad things? Why do I have to always go reminiscing? Why do people get depressed about their problems if in the end, still alive and there are still solutions? Why attack each other's beliefs as if the end no one is right? Why criticizes both this society and do nothing to change it? Why is it always the bosses are incompetent, and if not, workers are irrelevant? But blah, what am I saying, Why the world does not stop for a while and realizes he has everything to be happy? Yesterday
and muddy yesterday and lost to that person, yesterday and changed the money for the defective item, yesterday discovered that something was not needed, yesterday you had the clever idea to change everything and you did because you thought it was impossible, I gave up yesterday, yesterday won a battle, yesterday destroyed a your enemy, to spare the life yesterday, yesterday made everything and yet you did not do anything because you think that life is about, yesterday took a juice and talked to the lady in the kiosk, yesterday stepped on the lane line and You dropped a tree branch, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday ... not care about your yesterday !
I care about your day, when I care about now, today you can take the initiative, now you can kiss today You can hug, now you can tell how much you, today you can sing wonderfully, now you can give her a rose scented, today you can polish your shoes, now you can look at the sky and encandilarte with sunlight, today you can see how grass grows and life of ants and pebbles down there today you can have the paving stones, now you can make an important decision today can speak, now you can laugh, now you mourn, you can act today, today you can do it all, now I care way you're going to take, I do the right thing to do, I care that you follow your heart, I care that you are well, I care that you get safely home, you now I care and I care this time.
Why not do a new deal? A New Deal human? Where instead of seeing how we improve the economy and the pockets happy, we are human beings with better quality of life and a smile, where instead of seeing how we support the currency, let's see how spiritual support to others. Why not tell your partner on the side that has everything to be happy? Are you afraid to tell anything? Go tell! Tomorrow you have no idea what will happen .... you Tell! Go, do, do, do it, that today is the day.
Today is the day to be happy today is the day to send to the top of the hill all the negative charges, today is the day to break the bag and throw it down the ravine forgetting everything, today is the day of relying on divine help, today is the day to think everything could be better, today is the day to realize that you have a family, you have health, education and even though you miss the silver is the most important things you can be happy with that, today is the day to open my eyes and enjoy every second of your senses, what you hear, what you enjoy today is the day to apply that Carpe Diem Renaissance, today is the day to enjoy ... Today is the day to be reconciled to your brother, today is the day to reconcile with yourself, to tell yourself all the lies you've lived and start living from the true, today is the day when you can change your life . Will you? Will you take this new deal?
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