Concepcion Racecourse Uruguay, November 29, 2009 .-
totally lost and I was thinking that would make the grid, but in light of the facts, was cut Sunday by rain and finish roasting in the oven.
But a timely appeal to people known to have been guiding me to find Mr President Gustavo Melliard Jockey of the city of Concepción del Uruguay and as usual, "the rush out well,"
This dish is cooked in a few minutes ago I was traveling to that city.
"THANKS" especially for Ricardo III by the s photos which arrived in perfect condition and quality to the public, I forget the camera on the mic, if ya know!! say nothing.
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Latorre also for friend for filming in a few days will be processed and blog .- inLe
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the 1st Prize CINA CINA Carrera 600 mts. NC: 2.5, y7 .-
1: (4) Megazun
2: (3) Jaki Hill
3: (10) Pensioner Jet
4: (6) Mugroso
5: (8) Bandoneon
6: (11) In The Line
Won by: 3 dmfs.
2 nd to 3: 2 and ½ dmfs
Time: 34s84c
Prop: Flavio Aliendres
Stable: Augusto A
Coach: Roger Pinto
Jockey: Emiliano Emiliano Paredes Paredes .-
For this was his first win as a apprentice jockey.
REPIN Award 2nd race 425 meters. NC: 1.2 y7 .-
1: (6) Cálcamo
2: (9) Catuman
3: (8) The Cañita
4: (5) Wine Coté
5: (3) My Illusion
6 º : (4) The Tony
Won by: 1 and cpo
2 ½ to 3 º: Cbza
Time: 24s26c
Prop: Benedetti Edgardo
Stable: Ari Bri (Ggchu)
Coach: Edgardo Benedetti
Jockey: Jose Betancourt
amazing prizes 3rd race 1100 mts. NC: 1.3 y6 .-
1: (5) Free Gift
2: (2) Patient Girl
3: (11) Filly Esteli
4: (4) Gypsy Real
5: (9) Ernestina Light
6: (8) Dako Gorri Light
Won by: 1 and ½ cpo
2 to 3 º: Cbza
Time: 1m8s82c
Prop: Javier Brun
Breeder: Haras Santa Ana
By: Freelancer Arrie Cat (Catskill)
Stable : Luck
Coach: Javier Brun
Jockey: Irenaeus Ledesma
Appreciation Vet: Dr Lucas Brun
the 4th BLUE Career Award 1000 mts. NC: 3,4,6 y7 .-
1: (1) My steak
2: (2) Spell
3: (5) Candy Bris
Won by: ½ cbza
2 to 3 º: 6 dmfs
Time : 1m1s
Prop: Robert DuPont, Alberto Moyar, Omar and Fernando Ricotti
Stable: The Joy
Coach: Paul Ricotti
Jockey: Maximiliano Acerito
IS RUDE the 5th Career Award 1300 mts. NC: 4.5 y6 .-
1: (3) Maxi Real
2: (1) Stingride
3: (2) Turkish Pin
4: (7) Collifa Dancer
Won by: 2 dmfs
2 º to 3: 6 dmfs
Time: 1m21s72c
Prop: Carlos Acosta maximum
By: Incurable Optimist Real
Alondra Stable: Maximon (CDU)
Coach: Jorge Gargano
Jockey: Irenaeus Ledesma X2
the 6th ARIN Career Award 700 mts. NC: 1,2,3,4 y7 .-
1: (5) The Hero
2: (6) Wine Coté
3: (10) Ito
4: (9) Gigi
5: (8)
Merengo Won by: 4 dmfs
2 to 3 º: 1cpo
Time: 40s23c
By: Not For Sale in Ebro Side, Pure Name: Special
Sale. Prop
: Vuotto, Angiolino, Azari
Stable: Los Tanos
Coach: Gustavo Poggio
Jockey: Maximiliano Acerito X2
the 7th THE Bisaya Career Award 1200 mts. NC: 1,2,5 .-
y6 1: (4)
2: (3)
Won by: Various Bodies
Time: 1m16s16c
By: Much Success in Leg Soft
Prop: Marcelo Pascal
Breeder: Haras La Yuli
Stable: The Impossible
Coach : Jose Barragan
Jockey: John Doello
SILENT TOUCH the 8th Special Carrera 700 mts. CT .-
1: (4) Slipping Away
2: (3) Saint Romain
3: (1) Pica Bravo
4: (2) The Chumbita
Won by: Cbza
2 to 3 º: 6 dmfs
Time: 40s25c
Prop: Juan Martin Braslavsky
Breeder: Haras Harmony
By: Sultry in Ebro Side (mother) Stable
X2: The Chongo A
Manager: Alcides Almada
Jockey: Maximiliano Acerito X3
Carrera Classic PIBOY 10th 1200 mts. NC: 5y6 .-
1: (4) Adorable City
2: (7) Minoan
3: (3) Imperial Kiss
4: (1) Glorious Bell
5: (2) Los Condes
Won by : Pczo
2 º to 3: 5 dmfs
Time: 1m14s64c (wet track)
Prop: Gustavo de Angelo
Stable: Don lint
Coach: Paul Almada
Jockey: John Doello X2
One of the things I always is remarked: "The tenacity, Labour and Love ultimately with the people, although recognized in the local environment, are for us who are in Buenos Aires, totally unknown and they are an example to some of those now want to start their careers in this very worthy sport.
I will talk about Don Omar Ricotti, that back in 1956, started as a submissive and strong Jockey, such was his path That same year, and the next (1956-1957) was raised with the respective statistics in its category.
The curious note, but with a look of having been omitted as not to reach the maximum run, became a prominent local professional and applied, entering cities such as Gualeguaychú, Gualeguay and others where at the time the races were officers.
This put him in the window even as the jockey of choice, "which, according to the holder of 70 winters on the chair, was evicted from the owner" The Turk "Saleban.
When you say the name! Friends neck fall, with an ailment that had him in a corner of haras, saturates and disposal in this city and a good break, given the good treatment of their relatives, came on the scene to run a horse in one of many, that not even consider, but destroying the clock came on the scene "Vitellius" if the jockey friends within no less than Vitellius
That after a real blight to rival this was seen differently and led to the lights to continue his successful campaign. I leave to you to make history, I'm still with the gentleman. Don Ricotti
campaign followed, culminating as a jockey, trained some birds, but we're at it, how do you go?, Organized by a group of people in present time is to serve as Official Starter of the Hippodrome and to mark the respect with which it is said of such, because it is also the Vice President of the Jockey Club of this city, by President Gustavo Melliard, who proudly became part of the commentary so distinguished and recognized: Former Jockey, Trainer, Starter and manager, Don Omar Ricotti.
A greeting to all and certainly opened a few drawers of memory right?
Andrés Del Padrone .-
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