has to come a jolt to make us realize our mistakes, someone has to come from outside-to-you just can understand our emotions and feelings. Could it be that I was so blind? I will never achieve a complete emotional self-sufficiency because it is illogical, is ridiculous and is self-defeating.
Over these eighteen years and many months not appear at all the mental maturity and maturity that I have the ability to engage with others (and others), I have gone through many definitions of periods marked by emotional crises, emotional and whatever may cause a crisis. But I never come to understand as much as before until today. Wow that was wrong!
summarize what I mean and that "those brave enough to take the time to read, to enjoy better. During my childhood, I grew up a quiet child, I never liked violence, instead of grabbing monkeys and imagine bloody wars action dedicated myself to making cities and play with plastic microphones, cars and a couple of "monkeys" who served me to explore what we call imagination. In these cities created street names of my loved ones and friends, with sticks of Yenga (rare color sticks, look on the web if not understand) was building then "oh!" suddenly were ruthlessly destroyed. The monkeys, which were nothing more than a Mickey and Donald medium size I played were football players, boxers, tennis players, planners, fighters, space command and perhaps what else I can not remember.
My favorite animated monkeys or that I played were few, among which Pokemon and Hey Arnold!. In this post I will talk about the first because, until today, I still teach a lot about myself and on others. Pokemon was the series that I scored from 9 years to "the least" twelve or thirteen, can not remember. At that time, if someone had asked me what do you see the pattern? The truth is I do not know what would have answered, I liked a lot, there were chapters where I could get excited-thing that keeps me going and not about anything else xD, characters with which I identified and blablabla ... but I had no idea the reasons (and not thinking cuestionármelos either.)
As I got older, the games with my monkeys were changing, but not the wars they did in Paint to cities destroyed by missile attacks or stones giants and my time was absorbed by one of the best games of Pokemon (I think is the best game I've played in my life): Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2. What a way to have challenges! Many battles to win so many opponents to overcome, many strategies to think about, so many considerations and variables that take into account, ES LA RAJA! Many of the mature things in my life I have learned them there, and my parents-because in this game, YOU HAVE TO THINK IN THE NEXT BATTLE, do not just immediate, if you want to be the best you foresee all possible scenarios and combine your strategies to achieve your goal. I still remember that I was an athlete winning a round at the Olympics when I managed complete one of the cups on the highest level! Keep fighting the cups until today and still cost me a few battles, I have to remember past strategies, combinations of movements, tactics in order of Pokemon ... in the background, I have to think again.
myself in my game bred and trained my Pokemon for these drinks, they put the techniques that I would serve to overcome the high-level battles the game I had and, when he won, I felt proud because all that work and that dedication had paid off: Victory at last!
taste for videogames waned when I stole the cartridges on a holiday, the series was degenerating after taken out to Misty (my favorite character and I would say is perhaps the closest thing I've experienced the concept of Platonic love xD) and blah ... never left a game like Pokemon Stadium for the next console, which was frustrating because we had no reason to raise and train Pokemon ... ¬ ¬ (but it was good for the wallet from my parents, no longer interested in these games of Pokemon)
By not having that fun as before, had to re-orient my taste for obvious reasons. I started playing with my monkey-yes, you read well, fifteen and sixteen was playing with my monkey at football matches, tennis matches, destroyed cities and Mickeyzilla Donaldzilla and blablabla, and after a failure I love that I focused more on addressing an issue that was in vogue at the time, means of transport.
All this avalanche of information that had been processed in Pokemon, my memory was causing the crack and could consider recalling concentrated materials from years earlier, was replaced by that of Transantiago. What crest what happened? structures remain, the names are replaced . Instead of having to remember the types of Pokemon, Pokemon attacks, the locations of the Pokemon, the weaknesses of the Pokemons, the potential of Pokemon, how to take advantage of every Pokemon, how to take advantage of every ability of Pokemon ... this was 'replaced' by the types of routes, the routes of the tours, the combinations of paths, how to take advantage of the Transantiago, how to differentiate a micro second, how to know when a bus is OK (or almost never) and when NO ... so it was easy, the structures were already in my mind. (Now, if you believe that I have forgotten in all these nearly five years of the Pokemons are wrong, the game very little but I know everything as before, and nothing I forgot I can win battles in arranging buses peak paper).
my imagination was always large, so quickly had to create something with the Transantiago to meet my child's soul. So I did my paper buses, I started making two models mimicking the ones I liked, then I was doing more, I made changes (paths, improvement of the gates, improved details, improvement of the front / rear, sponsorships, advertising, more resistant materials, polarized pasta made with pencil, blablabla) and these buses were my babies. Arguably, my Pokemon were training. As time passed I was taking a review, I changed what I thought that was bad, sometimes clashed, the destructive zeal of an ax or small hands of children! - but I never worried because I had something very clear: how could fix myself smack my buses will give y. .. things that my bus pass I only affect me as they are a curious and unprecedented extension of my imaginative world in the real world. No one would know what patents mean peak, or what evokes every bus ... because nobody cares and because it is part of my history. But hey! Poor me or I might touch the lost ... buses are not just paper it is there, is my world, my imagination.
Things have changed a bit this summer. Since the transport issue bored me, mostly because I know that even an expert and have a couple of recipes to improve the thing, I know that nobody goes fishing, and no one I mean someone who has political weight and my ideas will be as a: if I had ignored, if I had pituto, if the idiots look for people who love what they do and do not meet those schedules ... also there are a couple of events that mark a before and after (I will not give details, I do not need), which reaffirms my desire to stop this.
The history is cyclical. During this summer I've been seeing chapters Pokemon, whether they both loved the old and new that are not so bad after all. The funny thing is that everything started because I wanted to see a chapter house where Misty was angry with Ash because they had lost (or could be any chapter xD). When you click on Google started catching item that had forums, people who struggled so inconsequential as leseras romances between different characters and I was struck by the fact that said they wanted Ash and Misty. My dad always had told me-below-that this was so but I, dense and innocent child, never saw it that way at my peak of 9-10-11-12-13 years. For me, they were friends.
Seeing again the series, going over and over again, now I find it too obvious that these two loved and were so stubborn that they could not admit it. Interestingly one of my biggest frustrations is to be a romantic man and have never had someone to implement all these things (actually, not that I was not given the chance, but my spiritual maturity / emotional / intellectual is inversely proportional to my ability to show affection and we all know that women need to feel safe, whatever). To get involved more in this "new approach" Pokemon, I saw that there were people who wrote fiction of "what if ..." and invented stories where this couple in denial saying what he felt, were going to live together to hell or I know I know. In the background, projections of what they would like to see or what they would like to happen (or personal whim xD).
After months of reading these fictions and begin to understand why people made them-at first simply called them lazy and lifeless, but then realized it was just the opposite, they have more life than the peak corresponding to-understand an extension of your imagination. There is good fiction, bad fiction, fiction that has come about leagues that are fiction and others that would piola as episodes of the series that I wanted, the point is that there is everything. Personally, I prefer keeping the editorial line and the values \u200b\u200bof the series because that's what I would have liked to see. With so much free time-that is hello! We're on vacation, and a hand that loves to write, I started making my own stories.
The first was a shit, a disaster is too corny, although women were fascinated, and the only thing that was telling me was enjoying the battle, imagine the battles, try to put myself in the characters. IS A CHALLENGE THAT IS ALL! Normally in my stories or writings I use the first person to stick you want to or want to teach the lesson that is well argued with facts of my own life. But here is different, I'm taking the characters that someone else was to create a story as we would that other person but ... projecting my interests and desires.
I'm on my second story, which is infinitely better than both the first frame as the construction of the characters, and I like the most because I put squarely on the characters. I have already seen many chapters of Pokemon in this month and I've studied the way that I know, "the least-how are the psychological profiles of Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu and whatever. Let me say that after studying and ... It's wonderful! Just now I understand why I liked it so much.
could well be a projection of what I want to be. There is a brilliant brain, but has a good heart and gives everything for his friends. How many times I've thought I could do more for my friends and be a better person! And Misty is special case, I really love now that I understand the inside and out. Clearly, if any, I would say is an angry, jealous and unbearable ... and if I propose that courtship would say no, but ... is so lovely when you see their reasons and understand their behavior, I wonder whether there will be women as valuable as her, I doubt it because the fictional characters are often extreme strengths and weaknesses to make them clearer to viewer but ... Is that it is the best!
I used to laugh at me all the times I was angry with Ash and I looked great it was romantic and feminine with this character so strong that is spent but not now, enjoy watching it because it is entertaining and is "exciting" to see all the force contained in it, that same trait of wanting much rather tell someone not to dare, to see problems first before thinking you can do things in fits and starts ... in other words, I identified on many things, including his desire to be like Ash.
The study of the characters and the series-in-itself understood why I liked so much. As mentioned above, my desire was to be like Ash, to embody all those virtues in my life and also positively influence the rest of the mortals who cross me. But ... I also I have parts of Misty and Brock, the maturity of both the absorption of the first, the containment of the second, the frustrations of her, the practicality of both and, perhaps just as importantly, Pokemon was a key that opened the called my imagination, once I knew the series and saw all these creatures spread my imagination creating limitless worlds, supernatural powers, epic struggles between tribes galactic and interdimensional changes in today's world for the benefit of my fantasies and purpose. .. allowed me to dream, to grow in a fantasy world and to develop to the maximum all my potential.
When you read these stories and fragments of "Killing Monsters" by Gerard Jones (I recommend it, I'll buy me), I realized that all this love for the Pokemon and the series was because it is one of the few things I turn, that moves me, I removed the state-indifferent and cold that characterizes me. Similarly, to read more about the projections that people make about the stories you consume / read / see ... I realized that my readers (of fiction I'm doing) should also feel identified or touched by something, I must convey the same as the series will broadcast and like that series, I handed down to me.
remember well that when reading one of the best fictions I've ever Pokemon to understand and study, the first time I read it I went a couple of Lagrimillas, not the drama, there was no drama or any xD- by a dismissal, but because Ash was talking about unconditional friendship he had with his Pokemon ... this is not new, but for me it was the fact that a Chilean could interpret and convey the essence of a series and a character that was not created by him, but was created years ago by someone else in another context and under other circumstances, it was as if he had made in the pants of the writers, I made that connection mourn.
Pokemon If the writers had made an impact both as a person do to make Pokemon stories and it could play the same emotions of the series in their stories ... is it really all those things had a meaning and significance worthy of being transmitted and projected. If so, there was hope for my writing too, hope that those words I said in my school so many courses to take effect in children, a hope that, when a teacher, God willing, I may be an Ash or Misty or Brock or someone important in the lives of my students.
I love it!
... The blows help us understand ...
Some day, some action made all the trappings of identity that had set to fall and be destroyed in less than the blink of an eye. I was wounded because he had lost confidence in people, people I had failed (see more in speech to an imaginary audience) and I did not want more people. How then could live without having to resort to people? Valiéndome for myself, no one fight for me and, in fact, no one would care if I had or did not fight because for all "I am strong, I me I can, I do not need the other ..." (Yes, the karma of the mature) ... during last I managed to reaffirm that identity based on what I could do to solve my problems, I could do to solve the problems of others, in what I could do to change the world. But ... Oh! Houston have a problem: humans are not made to live alone, need others.
I felt vulnerable, I felt a shit, I was an idiot ... I realized that everything he had built had a bad start: pride.
I felt great seeing the Pokemon episodes, creating characters, stories about my childhood, reliving memories and noting that Ash and Misty are one of the other couples uuhm ... how to say, oh yes, there are adorable ... that, telling the paper buses and games I do, is summarized in one sentence: I am a child
Life gives us new opportunities, life this time was as a street and I tripped up again, life treated me like a child who I am ... I am a boy after all, and enjoy my stay in the adult world as a child, they do not want to be anything else.
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