Today I passed from earth to heaven literally overnight could not fall asleep, my heart was in a desperate, and an enormous weight on the back does not leave me alone, I felt a huge burden, I called attention. During the night, I went to my parents but they were asleep, watched, perhaps waiting for him to leave that feeling of doom, then where my sister, and where my dog \u200b\u200bwould not sleep alone, and since when I took an interminable time out of my bed, I read the Bible and the life chances of my head leans to the number 43, so I went straight to Psalm 43. After that, I open the curtains, and fell asleep, with the uncertainty of not knowing in case I wake up the next morning.
was now much accumulated fatigue after those hours of insomnia, angry beat of hesitation, that my body succumbed to the pleasure of slumber, I ignored what he said in Psalm 43, praise the Lord and I slept, I slept like a baby as a wooden board until about 10 am, when I woke up I thanked God that I could open my eyes again, but still felt that feeling of anxiety, pounding, unable to breathe deeply, that the heart will go out over the mouth. That was my heart heavy, at least as I see it, other times he has behaved like a feather, but then charged me a low blow, it was not good about myself and if not reversed in time could pay serious consequences.
I took a tranquilizer, lowered the speed of my heart, I showered, ate lunch, played with my dog \u200b\u200band decided to play a match with one of my best friends. I won it, but more important than winning a match, I could finally feel good during the day, I feel that beautiful coordination between body-soul-spirit , focused on one thing and enjoying the moment, a long time since I felt and I thank you.
Here is the full Psalm 43 is relatively short and easy to read .
1 Judge me O God, and defend my cause, deliver me from evil people, and the deceitful and wicked man. 2 For thou art the God of my strength, why hast thou cast me? Why go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy? 3 Send forth your light and your truth, let them lead me, lead me to your holy mountain, and your dwelling. 4 go to the altar of God, the God of my joy and my joy, and praise thee with the harp, O God, my God. 5 Why are you downcast, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God .
The soul, the soul does not exist because many " not have felt" even I as a child does not feel it, did not need to do, but after my first crises and episodes complicated word God gives life to what seems dead, what was asleep , after that my soul lives, and today I have to do that is more alive than ever, not to go back to sleep.
The most important thing is your heart, being at peace with yourself the rest of the things become secondary.
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