Another time I mentioned the effort she has the right to pervert the word "liberal" to attribute it to a totally undeserved. Any caveman calls itself today as follows: from Jiménez Losantos to César Vidal, through Esperanza Aguirre, José María Aznar, Luis Maria Anson or to the Nacho Arsuaga meapilas . In general, the more stale it's the thought of one of these characters more aggressively seeks refuge in the concept of liberalism . But liberals have very little. They stay with an idea on the economic freedom (forgetting all other freedoms), when for them means only freedom of larceny : exploiting the worker, to mislead consumers, speculate without limits, to private businesses with public money ... In short, stealing without having to blush, wet dream of every entrepreneur of high standing .
Perhaps the epitome of chutzpah in the confusion between the terms "liberal" and rogue, period, what is the cartel formed by Pedrojota and referred Ramírez Jiménez Losantos and Cesar Vidal. Everything about them is "liberal" Digital Freedom, Freedom Digital TV, FM Digital Freedom, Freedom of Religion, Health Freedom, Free Books, etc. A media empire in the service of the perversion of one of the most beautiful words in the Castilian language, for the greater glory of Adam Smith and unclean Chesterton (another of his inspirations in this Catholic Celtiberia).
Finally, what has me so pissed? A I've seen on the bus to a mindless reading the newspaper "The World" , on whose cover appeared this news. One thought that after the evidence presented in court, the issue of authorship of 11-M was already settled, and until the PP would move on as soon as possible after their embarrassing then the various conspiracy theories that it occurred Pedrojota and brigade antiprogre " (do not stop reading this article the Protestant leftists of The Exception ).
Well, this server is also liberal (but in his way), would like to introduce you all a alternative theory claims about the 11-M. I ask, first, an apology to the victims and their relatives, but I hope you understand that I will spend the sense of the absurd, not to make a mockery of their pain, but to highlight the despicable meanness of some "journalists " (so to speak) that are capable of anything to favor their own in the struggle for power.
We assume that we must hold true that there is a clash of civilizations style advocating Huntington something that no "liberal" pro would dare to question. This inevitable conflict between the West and Islam were fully knowing the great minds that back in 2004 handled our destinations: George W. Bush, Tony Blair , José M. ª Aznar and Karol Wojtyla (aka "John Paul II ). The quartet illuminated by the supreme reason of Christianity decided ahead of the facts and invade Iraq as a preventive measure, setting up a bridgehead in the Middle East to start the task of evangelizing their people and get away from the burricie of Muhammad.
This plan required of the English participation in the military adventure. As is well known, Spain is the spiritual reservoir of the West, home of Don Pelayo and patronage of Santiago Matamoros, once the world's leading producer of priests and missionaries, and hometown of the most sectarian factions and parishioners more morons Catholicism. So, without the English competition, the operation was watered down.
But there was a slight problem: the English people were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Iraq. So Aznar went on a visit ad Limina the Bush ranch boss, and there asked for help to change the look of their obstinate fellow. "No problem" , Yankee president told his vassal, "you leave the Muslims to do some mischief in Spain and watch your people give us reason" .
So Aznar appealed to the INC to locate a group of jihadists willing to attacks in Spain, gave orders to facilitate dynamite titadine, rubber-2 and not what most explosive of which he speaks "The world" , and even gave them a tape of the Orquesta Mondragón so they were entertained while riding the detonators. Express commitment Pedrojota , phallic objects were provided for certain sexual paraphilias anal character, as well as boric acid to disinfect them after use.
spiritual support group of ragtag terrorists came from a chaplain to the Legion / pedophiles AD, Islamic ulema transvestite with Wojtyla's apostolic blessing. The criminal-Catholic sect also made available from the Moors throughout its network of parishes and convents to hide them and their explosives. What the old bitch looking for Roman? Easy: English awakening in the atavistic hatred of Muslims and the spiritual unity of the country around Christianity. Reason why the Vatican State was only knowledgeable, but also complicit in what was to happen in Atocha.
The rest of the story is well known: Aznar left the miserable Acebes, indeed downright useless, took over the operation. And of course ... what they got out of hand. What initially was to have been a scare with no fatalities, it has become the worst slaughter caused by terrorism in Spain. The Government aznarita was in shock and to avoid his responsibility for the disaster, sought to divert attention to ETA. Pedrojota and radio network of bishops joined the campaign, which lasted five years.
Do you think what I tell them not? Do you think it is impossible for Aznar and the PP are behind the worst attack in the history of Spain? Well they are wrong: the evidence that has not yet not mean that José María Aznar and the PP dome of the culprits are not those 192 deaths.
Do you think even the criminal-Catholic sect and then supreme leader, Karol Wojtyla, could not be involved in something so horrible? Not misled, s i have not yet been revealed their participation in these events is because has not yet been sufficiently investigated . Apply
you the logic "liberal" and see everything much clearer .

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