lineages is one of the most emblematic of the old manor farmhouse or hand over the town of Sa Pobla (Mallorca). Known under that name, Serra de Gayet, for having already in 1518, Pere Serra, the land called Gaieta, Wafer or Gayet. Miquel Serra Pere
and divided the land of Gaieta. A accounted Gaieta Pere Petit and Miquel Gaieta Great . Were the authors of the two main lines of descent and a myriad of secondary branches. The line
Gaieta after Petit Pere, son of Peter, who died on May 5, 1591, was continued by another Pere did we know will, in 1635 before the notary Jerome Pere Rosselló and that was Bayle Gayet Serra de Sa Pobla
Royal's son Peter also tested in 1720 and his grandson Obrador Pere Serra de Gayet medicina.Este doctor was married Joana would Domenech Torrelló.Fue in Inca, on Monday, July 16, 1708 before the Reverend Pere Serra vicar of Manacor. One of the testimonies of the link's name was also Serra (Serra Onofre). It is possible that the two were relatives of the groom. The line
Gaieta Great is coming into our days and she belonged to a direct ancestor of mine Catalina Serra-Pontico Solivellas Gayet and married to Don Josep Pere Garau Fangar Members of Ms Magdalena whose daughters and Ms Catherine married Don Baltasar Montaner respectively Bordoy City Council alderman perpetual Palma de Mallorca and Don Joan Baptista Moncaira States and Serra-Poquet fourth grandson who I am.
Miquel Serra - the first of this line of Gaieta Great - tested in 1546 and his widow Antonia Amer died on January 10, 1591. Bartomeu
Serra de Gayet Amer dies sábado13 June 1570, was succeeded by his son Gil Miquel Serra de Gayet, which was sworn in at the University of Sa Pobla name that predates the arrival of the Bourbons, had the current municipal . Died, Miquel Serra de Gayet Gil, on Sunday August 1, 1593 or two years after her paternal grandmother. Bartomeu
Serra and Serra de subacid Gayet, was the son of Mike and Apol-colony of sub-acid Serra, who was a cousin of her husband - died on 17 January 1650.Estaba married to Catherine Serra-Barba. His son Gabriel was married to Joan Serra-Goiet.
's brother Gabriel Serra of Serra-Gayet and Barba, Antoni was lord of the Estate of Gaieta Great . Died, on Thursday October 22, 1682, having been married to his first wife Jaumet Ferragut and second with Joana Ramis and Font de Castell-Llubi. He followed the line
Gabriel Serra de Gayet and Ramis (1671 - 1718) was the husband of Joan Serra-Goiet and Alba.
Then come the son of Antoni Serra Serra-Goiet Gayet (1703-1762) and Gayet grandson Gabriel Massip i Serra de Vich (1737-1792). Married
was, the latter with Magdalena Solivellas-Pontico and was the father of my ancestor Catherine Serra de Gayet and Solivellas-Pontico, mentioned above, as well as encrypt Pere wife Antonia of the town of Pollença.
The son and heir to the lineage and property, Antoni Serra de Gayet-Pontico Solivellas born in 1766 and 2 July 1791 married his cousin Frances Canavan Cerdà-Pontico Solivellas. Gabriel Serra de Gayet Cerdà Canavan, son, was the husband of Joana Serra de Marina and Crespi. He died on Monday, 17 April 1871.
This marriage was to Frances (1817-1902) was single, Antoni (1823-1867) also single and Gabriel (1834-1893).
in the offspring of the latter, and Gabriel Serra of Serra de Marina Gayet and his wife Francisca Ariant Bonet Ferrer - who died in Palma de Mallorca on August 10, 1923 - follows the line.
eldest son and owner of Gaieta-Grand, Gabriel Bonet Serra d'Ariant Gayet, only had daughters of his wife Mary ignasia Campaner Hood. Don Gabriel also died in October 1923 on the campus of the Geneta Sastre are located in the village of Caimari in the municipality of Selva. Francisca Serra de Gayet
campaign, his eldest daughter, married to Don Juan Zaforteza Villalonga (1894-1964) in 1927 and whose descendants are until today. Mary
ignasia Serra de Gayet Campaner (1903-1991) was the owner of the Estate Gaieta-Gran in Sa Pobla. Married to Don Mariano
Moragues Morell was the mother of Don Ignasi Serra de Gayet Moragues and his successor.
Gayet and Miquel Serra d'Ariant Bonet (Palma de Mallorca Pollença 1875-1932) was a businessman and industrial. He had two children by his wife Dona Joana d 'Asprer Gonzalvez of ancient lineage in Pollença.
Don Gabriel, a lawyer, died in Barcelona in 1970 and the historian pollencin Francisco Serra de Gayet et d'Asprer (1909-1981) better known as Don Xisco d'Asprer. Don Gabriel and Don Miquel Bonet Serra d'Ariant Gayet and had a brother priest Don Pere Bonet Serra d'Ariant Gayet (1870-1949.
Gabriel Serra d'Asprer Gayet and left only daughters of his consort Mrs Mercè Perich. Link to this branch of the noble family of the House or Olesa Oleza.
The Doctor Don Miquel Serra de Gayet Marti, the son of Don d'Asprer Xisco is a general practitioner, practicing in Palma de Mallorca, and it follows the main agnatic line of Serra de Gayet de Sa Pobla. His sister Joan Marti Serra de Gayet (* 1950) married to the printer Antoni Ferrer, Mallorca is a popular writer.
Who in the government of General Franco was named Sebastian Serra de Gayet Perelló and exercised political functions of provincial leader of the Movement Sub belonged the lineage of this family in Sa Pobla Mallorca but a branch of segundona nicknamed Ca'n Clear.
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