I have, here, a genealogical search trebajo while on a family history of the municipality of Fornalutx Mallorca (former village of Sóller), which was named Arbogast and possessed the rural property of "Sa Cabana" or "Ses Cabanes. "
One of my grandmothers was from this branch by the mother. Joan Antoni Arbona
(+1618) Alqueria lord Monnàber had among others besides the heir Joan was nsu ARBONA. a son named George. This son left him "Sa Domenega" and q ue today know as "Sa Cabana or" Ses Cabanes. The so-Jordan, who had died the year of the Beast or the 1666 , marry, a first time, Elisabeth Canals, quite possibly of the family of this lineage settled in Deya, the 1619 and 1630, married again in second marriage to Joanne Reiners Mallol .. Of the two couples had children. Arbona Jordi Canals (* 1627), son of the first wife, was "Sa Domenega" and his descendants are the current owners of this property as well as those who so far have been of the House of "Can Xoroi."
"Sa Cabana" was to VICENÇ ARBONA MALLOL son's second marriage, who, the 1660, was married to Bonaventura Mallol Arbona family that owned in Tuent "Can Lleig" and later, the new shrink widowed marriage to the Lord of Bàlitx d'Avall "Antoni Pere Ripoll. Vicenç Arbona and women Mallol Mallol Bonaventura Arbona parents would be a second
VICENÇ ARBONA MALLOL (+1745) married the heiress of Can'n Lleig well as Sebastian Mallol Antonia (1753) would continue the field of "Sa Cabana." On 7 December 1758 married in the church of Sóller a son of Vicenç Antonia Arbona and Jordi Mallol called with a fornalugense
, Margalida Busquets Mallol, the family of "Can Xandre." SEBASTIÀ
ARBONA MALLOL, quoted earlier, inherit "Sa Cabana" and having predeceased her firstborn son,
VICENÇ ARBONA MALLOL (1700-1726), divided the property between the other two children, Antonio and Sebastian, habidos, like the first, his wife Magdalena and Mallol Borras. Eran yours daughter Magdalena wife of Lord Reguer (of Alaro) Miguel Palou, Francisco Ballester wife Margaret, married Maria Canals stays with Jerome-Prom, "Can Fat Tony" and Bonaventure. Antonio Arbona (+1792) let you solely female posterity his wife Catherine Rosalia Mallol and Rock of the Abat Monnàber
Margaret and Catherine Abbot of Arbonne Mallol fallecidas respectively in 1810 and in 1812, Eran Singles, that while their sisters: Magdalena wife would Joan Busquets, Xander Bautista, Antonio de Isabel la Mallol Arbonne "Can Xoroi" (the first mayor of Fornalutx) and Mary, Joseph Bisbal. Offspring men therefore will continue with the second
SEBASTIÀ ARBONA MALLOL (+1796) who was married to Francisca Ballester, The May 14, 1742 the first or second of the Sebastianes Arbona Mallol, "Sa Cabana", entered joining the Council of the Church of Fornalutx, then a subsidiary of the Parish of the town of Sóller with Josep Bisbal, Pau Joan Borras, Francesc Antoni Mallol dels Abats and Bonaventura Arbona. Among the children who had Sebastià Arbona highlight Mallol and Magdalena Francisca Ballester (+1798) married to Damian Deià Sebastià M Oleta and the heir of the house and lineage. SEBASTIÀ
ARBONA BALLESTER (1730-1826) owner of "Sa Cabana" was a of directors of the board of fornalugense church workers, back in the years 1787 and 1788, with Mr. Joan Bautista and Penya Moncaira States of Monnàber, Jaume i Mallol of Bàlitx Ponç-Pati, Jordi Ballester and Bisbal and Gabriel Busquets - Xandre and Mallol. Married to Magdalena Ballester Bisbal (+1820) would be the father of a second
SEBASTIÀ ARBONA BALLESTER (fourth Sebastian, owner of "Sa Cabana" and Magdalena (1789-1869). Dead at age 75 on 11 February 1865, Sebastian was married to Margalida Mallol. Le premurió without his first-born children Sebastià (+3-6-1828) who would have been the third Sebastià Arbona Mallol and fifth owners "Sa Cabana" of the name. "Sa Cabana" then started the second son, Guillem and inn Fornalutx house - located on the street that was known as the "street of the moon" and on the corner of walk in the Alba also called "street below - was divided between him and his younger brother Joseph. GUILLEM
ARBONA MALLOL (1827-1865) will survive only a year to its parent. It was the last male owner "Sa Cabana" Arbogast surname. Married to Catherine Mallol
Ballester ('1801-1896) divided the estate between his daughters Margalida and Maria. This last one would be my paternal great-grandmother-mother would leave a portion of the house in the village inn and is which is opposite Arbona Can "or the building of the consistory of the village of Fornalutx.
This record as made before the notary Josep Castelló, 5 April 1862 in contemplation of marriage that my grandmother held with Joan Solivelles Mestre, my great-grandfather. On 7 April 1873 will be formalized in the notary Francisco Mayor. writing division of the assets of Guillem Arbona Mallol by his widow.
MARIA ARBONA MALLOL die on the farm "are Llobera" Lluc November 26, 1894, having said, two days before the notary wills Antoni Planes Sagrera. Of his marriage celebrated, this same year 1862, the owner of this possession Mestre Joan Solivelles mountain, eight children survive him: Bernadi (Fornalutx1865-Sant Joan 1942, was a physician), Teresa (1867 to 1937 my paternal grandmother. Guillem (1869-1950) to be a priest), Joan (1871-1946, who inherited "They Llobera, Catherine (1875-1927 cloistered nun Capuchin Convent as well as Sister Maria Luisa, Maria (1879-1934 cloistered nun but also the Carmelite Convent of the Sister Teresa and Maria de Jesus), Margalida (1881 - 1951) and Antonia (1885-1960) who would die unmarried.
Four of these children went to live and die in Fornalutx, Teresa married to Joan Bautisata States Moncaira i Bennàssar Massana and wife Vicenç Margalida Vicens States Jog and also alias the "Vicenç des Morers" by reason of her marriage to have been intended Guillem after his ordination and Antonia who came to serve the brother-priest, who was also his godfather font. U (Continued II)
Joan Antoni States Moncaira i Bisbal

Maria Arbona Mallol

old house inn "Sa Cabana"
Sa Cabana Homes in municipal termno Fornalutx. In times of obvious Arbona had no pool.
Sa Cabana Homes in municipal termno Fornalutx. In times of obvious Arbona had no pool.
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