Needs - B
I remember when at the end of last year I decided to get "prepared spiritually to face my senior year . How easy it is to propose things! But geez that is difficult to fulfill oneself. Today I feel bad, no wonder I had a great year full of weas pretty but useless. I remember writing stories, I had to "re-humanize" and I was filled with all the social and structural conflicts in my society. Eagerly swallowed all that shit to tell the world and I would read that there was hope.
In the process I missed something very similar to what happened to Frodo. I felt I had saved the world but I had lost myself (ironically the stories talk about identity and how we recognize ourselves.) So, I found, but in the process, I went away from my own heart and went deeper into the shit that was swallowing.
For a change, want to go back and pick up new things, I do not regret because I knew what was the price to pay, but now I want to end this stage and begin to retake the spiritual that he left in stand-by.
is how do I will not go wrong? Just look at some things to realize I'm not okay, that went to change my perception of life and the border between good and evil. My buses are made paper bag, my head Nothing more either and I do not feel anything. I feel love, I want to do things, want to go back to being me.
Hey, you, the one above, could I take a hand? I need:)