Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
How Do You Say To Take The Train In Japanese

Pomasqui Parishes, San Antonio de Pichincha and Calacalí. is located 18 kilometers from the center of Quito.
The results
Northwest Area
Population .-
Nono | 1 455 | 1.69 |
Nanegalito | 2462 | 0.77 |
Nanegal | 2504 | 00:46 |
Guala | 2123 | 12:19 |
Pact | 4 806 | 0.80 |
Basic Services .-
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Category: Cultural Manifestation
Type : Historical
Subtype: Religious architecture
Parish: Pomasqui
Directions: Take Manuel Córdova Galarza Highway to Pomasqui first light and turn right along the seafront Simon Bolivar to the Mother Church
Town Name: Cotocollao Distance: 4km
After a quake technical intervention was necessary, it is then that in 1924 when the famous Italian priest, Bruning brought the country to perform R a series of restoration and construction work starts with the facade and extending the hood keeping the neoclassical style. By 1926 it opened with the blessing the same author.
By 1990 it was necessary to intervene again, this time by the Metropolitan District of Quito through FONSAL.
Inside the building you can find several pictures and sculptures of the eighteenth century as well as a cracked bell, witness the earthquakes that affect the town
Category: Cultural Manifestation
Type: Historic
Subtype: Religious architecture
Owner: Franciscan Fathers Location:
Canton: Quito
Parish: Pomasqui
Directions : From Quito, take the Autopista Manuel Córdoba Galarza to Pomasqui first light (Paseo Simón Bolívar) and turn right, continue on this road to Central Park.
near urban centers attractive:
Nombre del Poblado: Pomasqui Distancia: 0km
Nombre del Poblado: Cotocollao Distancia: 4km
La historia de los pueblos del Valle Equinoccial, se desarrolla junto al mestizaje, la religión, la leyenda y lo sobrenatural.
El hecho más significativo trascurrió justamente luego de iniciada la evangelización de estas tierras, en la semana mayor católica, cuando la unión de la fe de los europeos mixed with the symbolism of the nature of indigenous people.
It is in a Palm Sunday when they face one of many Andean trees in the plaza there, the "Quishihuar" (Buddleia inca), showed the image of the Son of God to the indigenous people in sign of respect and admiration they took as a symbol of the new breed was formed.
The construction of this magnificent chapel was made possible by the growing faith, being at first very simple forms, following the earthquake and the consequent destruction of the city of Ibarra, the also suffered damage, from which it sought to extend and modify the structure to, removing the image to place where it is today.
Next to Central Park stands on the site and impress the stone arch, the same that leads to the main entrance of the chapel, within which the apparent simplicity of his ship is complemented by the outstanding image of the "Lord of tree "Pomasqui.
Undoubtedly the most anticipated event is the feast of the Lord of the Tree, which attracts many faithful tradition for years and expect to receive the favors of your Lord and give thanks for already received.
The Lord of the Tree is undoubtedly the best way to uni r ra the Andean culture to Europe, because from the appearance of the image, the evangelization of the Indians was more Pomasqui simple.
This on the other hand could not stop the pagan celebration that accompanied the Indian Catholicism, that is why in his honor, the main characters are the same as worshiped the YAYA INTY (Father Sun).
On the eve of CHAMIZO light up the night and pace of the traditional tunes MONKEY Sacharuna; Mojigangas, CAPARICHES give particular and distinctive touch to the celebrations of the Andes.
already at the party after the Mass, the Aruch with its unique clothing invited to participate in the acts of their HUASICAMAS company with whom carried the branches laden with chickens or guinea pigs offerings to the personalities of the parish.
assembled the show's characters and applause and cheers, performed the traditional dance of the tapes, while for younger greased poles will be the challenge to achieve the set into its top awards.
From here the bands, orchestras will give way to the popular dances.
CHAPEL Mystic Rose
name: Capilla de la Rosa Mystic
Category: Cultural Manifestation
Type: Historic
Subtype: Architecture
Canton: Quito
Parish: Pomasqui
Directions: From Quito, take the Autopista Manuel Córdova Galarza to the first light of Pomasqui (Simón Bolívar street) and turn left, continue on this street, take the first turning left and the second right to a black gate. A large an tena can serve as reference to get to see the chapel.
near urban centers attractive:
Town Name: Pomasqui Distance: 2.20km
Town Name: Cotocollao Distance: 6.2km
By entering this symbolic place of meditation and faith, we are welcomed by a small garden that enhances the image carved in stone of Santa Clara of Assisi, next to the chapel are a harmonious whole.
The Chapel of The Mystic Rose, is built entirely of volcanic stone, its walls were skillfully carved rectangular, in the domes stand of river pebbles with pumice became the most suitable material to cap the temple.
The characteristic of the Andean peoples to work for a common good is reflected in the Minga, through which facilitated the transfer of materials and the subsequent attainment of the work.
Thanks to their proper location can be considered as a lookout point allows an image inside of the giants of the Andes, it is easy to identify the Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Cayambe the entire eastern range, the valleys of Calderon and Tumbaco, northern Quito and if weather permitting Antisana solitaire.
Name: Museo Antonio Negrete
Category: Cultural Manifestation
Type: Historic
Subtype: Museum
Owner: Familia Negrete
Canton: Quito
Parish: Pomasqui
Address: San Luis 209 and Abdon Calderon (corner)
Telephone: 2350-291
Directions: From the corner of Central Park Pomasqui one block north to a stone corner house .
near urban centers attractive:
Town Name: Pomasqui Distance: 0km
Town Name: Cotocollao Distance: 4km
appreciation of works of art in different materials, especially stone and medals, awards and photos with celebrities. Play the life and work of the character is a good alternative while enjoying a cup of coffee or a drink offered by the family.
Inside a picturesque house located near Central Park Pomasqui, there are different rooms where there are exhibitions intended to arouse interest in the complex process of the sculpture , modeling and management of different materials for the production of exquisite pieces crafted in clay, plaster, cement, wood and even stone.
This is certainly an alternative center of culture and art in which, one can see various sculptures and busts of historical figures of the country, private work or simply the expression of the imagination of its author that expresses the hybrid art, as part of his life and represented through their hands.
in the different walls as in every corner of this cozy home, you can see paintings, pictures or pieces that make it a site worth visiting, it may take a little of this art in film or simply in the retina of the visitors.
Source: Story of the son of Lord Antonio Negrete
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Name: Middle of the World Tourist City
Category: Cultural Manifestation
Type: Historic
Subtype: Civil Architecture
Owner: Government Pichincha ProvinceLocation:
Parish: San Antonio de Pichincha
Address: Manuel Córdova Galarza Highway and Avenue Equator
Directions: From Quito takes Manuel Córdova Galarza Highway, to the circle of the Equator.
near urban centers attractive:
Town Name: Pomasqui Distance: 4km
Inside, one of many Andean cities reflected on this site, we can find it in narrow streets, houses entejadas, a meeting place for cultural and artistic q ue is the central square, chapel and a final detail the bullring. Similarly there are other museums that you can appreciate the culture of Ecuador.
symbolic line, after passing through the city, continues to reach the majestic monument. Inside the Ethnographic Museum, spread over 10 floors, shows the great diversity in the country, as well as documents, maps and records seeking to recall the visit of the Mission French Geodesic ng.
has a wide range of amenities including restaurants, cafes, souvenir shops, post office, banks, galleries, baths, etc.
Category: Sexy Natural
Type: Mountain
Subtype: Hill
Parish: San Antonio de Pichincha
Directions: From Quito takes Manuel Córdova Galarza Highway, then continue along the equator to the street Av Chaguar to the end (a white gate) turn right and then take the road leading the water tank.
Town Name: Pomasqui Distance : 10.1km
The most significant is its location, since it is exactame nte in Ecuador geographical, or half the world, reflecting the great knowledge he possessed the Andean peoples for the movement of the stars and their application in agriculture ancestral. There are remnants of stone circles made by Fabián Vera symbolized the location of the stars: the sun, earth and moon, and according to the shadows projected on these yielded a precise solar calendar for farming. Presumably there were three circles. However, there are other circles in various sectors of the parish to which were referred to as the local people only serve to dry the beans, however these can be seen rows of stone that divide the circle noting twelve pieces each hour.
Moreover one of the deities of the ancient inhabitants of this valley is Catequil , " Thunder God who is considered the representation of fertilization and fertility, the most feared and honored that he had in Peru, loved and revered from Quito to Cuzco and the most feared by the Indians. "
At the top a small temple where an idol with his mouth open, ready to receive the blood and sacrifice, which was driven through it to the ground, thereby fulfilling his duty to fertilize land on the feast of Sol
Category: Cultural Manifestation
Type: Historic
Subtype: Museum
Parish: San Antonio de Pichincha
Address: Via Calacalí - Independence 200 meters from the circle of the Equator
Tel: 2395122
Directions: From Quito takes Manuel Córdova Galarza Highway, to the circle of the Equator and then continue along the path Calacalí - Independence (200 meters).
Town Name: Pomasqui Distance: 4km
It is divided into the following areas; Arqueoastrono mine, where they conduct demonstrations of physical forces and magnetic exercised here due to the latite ud 0, as Koriolis test.
life and ancient customs of the equatorial zone, using a chronological process of knowledge gained by the first inhabitants of the area through archaeological collections.
Ethnography, in showing the way of life, custom s the preparation of crafts from different ethnic groups as Salasacas Ecuadorian Shuar and also shows a typical hut of the residents, who dates 1875. The Galapagos Islands are represented by a turtle that has more than 160 years. The totemic Forest intercontinental, "represents the spirit protector of the clan s peoples.
Category: Sexy Natural
Type : Groundwater
Subtype: Mineral
Parish: San Antonio de Pichincha
Address: Calle Chaguar
Directions: From Quito making Manuel Córdova Galarza Highway, then continue along the equator to the street Av Chaguar and turn left about 800 meters.
Town Name: Pomasqui Distance: 4.5km
has 5 000 m2 of construction, which include two swimming pools one of which has a slide, dressing areas, restrooms and showers.
poolside addition, there are three caves, which residents say were built by pre-Inca peoples, and places of worship, to the arrival of the English were exploited for the extraction of lignite (coal natural) . Here the adventure begins, as the venture into these and in particular the third cave can live exciting moments, even more so to be able to appreciate the life forms here are developed, a large colony of bats Biofit and mark the route, yes it is always advisable to wear appropriate clothing and above all respect and maintain this natural area.
Category: Cultural Manifestation
Type: Historic
Subtype: Civil Architecture
Parish: San Antonio de Pichincha
Address: Hacienda Rumicucho, Carmen Navarro Street, Barrio Santo Domingo
Directions: From Quito takes Manuel Córdova Galarza Highway, then continue along the path former San José de Minas approximately 2.5 miles.
Town Name: San Antonio Distance: 2.5km
Town Name: Pomasqui Distance: 6.5km
Thanks to their proper location, in the plain of RUMIKUCHU ( corner stone), formerly called LULUMBAMBA ( fertile plain), and the existence of large amount of stonework, stands this majestic building that had two purposes, strategic - military and ritual, the latter due to its proximity to the Equator.
can see inside three areas, ceremonial, located at the top of the complex common where daily activities were developed, food, rituals, craftsmanship and the purely residential.
On the evidence of pottery, animal remains, and utensils in common use, it boasts a large number of occupants, not just Incas, but of peoples native to the area, Carankis, Quitus and to a lesser extent and Panzaleo Cuasmal .
Due to the actions of the looters, neglect, climate, quarries and urban advance, this symbol of our heritage is in grave danger of disappearing.
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Name: original monument to the Equator
Category: Cultural Manifestation
Type: Historic
Subtype: Civil Architecture
Parish: Calacalí
Address: Calle Bolivar
Directions: From the Middle of the World arena is taken Calacalí - La Independencia Km 9 and then turn to the Calacalí population in the park can see the monument entrance.
Town Name: San Antonio Distance: 9km
This was located in San Antonio de Pichincha until the late 60's, when construction began on the new monument, which maintained the same original form but larger.
After building the original monument was dismantled piece by piece, the inhabitants of Calacalí requested to be transferred to his parish, and they were just quines transported him and placed him in the central square, because the equator crosses also this town.
plates on each side of the monument commemorating the participation of scientists in the study as follows: "In memory of Pedro Vicente Maldonado Ecuadorian scholar who collaborated with academics eighteenth century 1704 -1748." "... the English sailors Jorge Juan and Antonio de Ulloa, the French Godin, Bouguer and La Condamine" and finally to the governments of Ecuador and France who made the monument.
Category: Cultural Manifestation
Type: Historic
Museum Owner: Calacalí Vestry Location:
Parish: Calacalí
Address: Av Flores (Calacalí entry) and Bolivar.
Telephone: 2306-205
Directions: From the middle of the world arena is taken Calacalí - Independence and then the junction of the population Calacalí (Av. Flores), 500 meters from the Y.
Town Name: San Antonio Distance: 9km
Calacalí had the honor to see her born, grew up with Quito and the country still bears in his heart.
is Doña Carlota Jaramillo, the "Queen of the National Anthem," which now has a space which can be transferred to the time of romance and simplicity where he spent his life, pictures, images, photos, costumes, souvenirs invited to join the everyday life of this great woman.
With his albums and his music, you can share one of the most beautiful love stories transported by "Different Paths" or "If you forget me," feelings that are located in the depths of hearts of his people with tears, applause and cheers immortalized.
In this small house now converted into a museum hall, is part of the golden age of theater and national music.
Geobotanical Reserve PULULAHUA
Name: Book Geobotánica Pululahua
Category: Sexy Natural
Type: Forest
Subtype: Clear Western
Canton: Quito
Parish: Calacalí
Directions: From the Middle of the World arena is taken Calacalí - Independence and then the diversion to the viewpoint of the crater, a trail leads to the Valley. Another entry, that of Tilingón it floats, enter for control of Moraspungo (10 miles)
near urban centers attractive:
Town Name: Calacalí Distance: 10km
Town Name: San Antonio Distance: 3km
is the only reserve of its kind in Ecuador. has an area of \u200b\u200b3 383 hectares, it seeks to preserve the historical memory of volcanic formation process developed in our country, we owe the existence Pululahua Valley Equator.
Its caldera is one of the two inhabited in the world, for this reason that when viewed from one of its viewpoints, that of Windows, is special color scheme to show their crops (beans, peas and corn), in contrast with natural forests and the beautiful scenery is complemented by internal domes such as The Pondona and El Chivo. Within the protected area there is a very old farmhouse that belonged to the Jesuits, and although it is in ex est ado deterioration can be seen colonial style with stone and brick walls and wooden ceiling should have been show tile covered by debris. In the lower area there are traces of eruptions of the volcano and thermal springs and mineral water to 9 miles down the road to Chaupisacha, signs indicating the entrance to a trail that after 10 minutes of travel reveals waterholes. predominant species is the orchid flora, fauna we have deer, wolves, rabbits and a number of birds.
Hiking, hiking, mountain biking, camping, flora, fauna and volcanic processes, medium and low climbing mountains, community life or simply enjoy spectacular scenery are among many alternatives this sleeping giant brings.
Category: Cultural Manifestation
Type: Ethnographic
Subtype: Community
Owner: Community
Location :
Canton: Quito
Parish: Calacalí
Address: Community Yunguilla
Directions: From the middle of the world arena is taken Calacalí - Independence to the entrance to the pools the cop, continue on the paved road to the Community (14 miles)
near urban centers attractive:
Town Name: Calacalí Distance: 17km
Town Name: San Antonio Distance: 26km
no certainly one of the best references as far as sustainable tourism as regards Community Yunguilla maintained for many years as a way of life deforestation for grazing, agriculture or charcoal production, almost to exterminate the entire forest Cloudy.
micro organic production companies, jams, cheeses, crafts, clay, recycled paper, tree nurseries, reforestation, volunteering, community guides, ecotourism, experiential and adventure are the alternative, which together with a adequate infrastructure, provide an offer that is mainly aimed at foreign visitors and students to share their experiences with this friendly community.
The success of their activities has been reflected in increased self-esteem of its people as well as a better standard of living, school now have a better equipped and are projected to have a secondary education institution , his English has improved by foreigners who live with them and give them language classes, manage their own water and have their own security guard service, managing to create jobs even indirect tourism.
Source: Native Community Guide Yunguilla
can be hiking, camping, flora and fauna, tourism and community coexistence. can observe and participate in the processes of micro-enterprises.
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Name: Orchid Reserve
Category: Site Natur to
Type: Forest
Subtype: Clear Western
Owner: Ruth Lima
Parish: Nanegalito
Address: Via Calacalí - Independence km43
Directions: From the middle of the world arena is taken Calacalí - Independence kilometer 43 (one hour)
near urban centers attractive:
Town Name: Nanegalito Distance: 10km
Town Name: Calacalí Distance: 34km
With only 650 hectares, big earrings that are among the 1960-2900msnm. resulting variety of microclimates, thanks to the existence of one of the best preserved cloud forests, we can see 260 species of orchids, of which 9 are endemic, 170 species of birds which include the Toucan Andean and exotic Samarritos Cock of the Rock.
Amphibians, reptiles and mammals such as the spectacled bear, deer, agoutis and many other residents of the forest silent next to the dragon's blood, lichens, fungi d emas make it an ideal site for enjoy life and its wonders. has seven trails that lead to different attractions where you can see the most representative species of flora I'll com Angre drago, alder, cedar and various types of ferns.
There is a visitor center where you can listen to talks, environmental interpretation or conventions, the second floor is for the accommodation, there is a kitchen area where food can be served, has restaurant services and guides .
Name: River Reserve Alam bi
Category: Natural Site
Type: Forest
Subtype: Clear Western
Owner: unknown do
Parish: Nanegalito
Address: Via Calacalí - The Indenpendencia km 52 1 / 2
Directions: From Quito takes Manuel Córdova Galarza Highway and then the Calacalí - Independence, from the Pahuma arrive at Restaurante El Chozones. front of it there is a path leading to the falls. We recommend going with a guide
Town Name: Calacalí Distance: 43.5km
Huaycapi The river is forming beautiful waterfalls which are accessible by trails.
Surrounded by fruit trees such as lemons, tangerines, bananas s papayas. These trees attract birds with colorful plumage and tanagers, toucans, there is also an orchid in the reserve. orchid gardens are also representing some of the species in the reserve.
Without doubt, the most attractive is the large number of birds that can be a prices in the area near 500 species have been recognized. With the help of a guide they can observe.
Name: River Alambi
Category: Natural Site
Type: River
Subtype: River
Owner: Community
Parish: Nanegalito
Address: Sector union of the two rivers (Whereabouts Los Pinos)
Directions: From the Middle of the World arena is taken Calacalí - The Whereabouts Independence to Los Pinos, it enters the ballast on the right path, 200 meters to reach the bridge.
Town Name: Calacalí Distance: 45km
No doubt the daily lives of people around is developed next to the ford, ideal for family recreation and youth, since the weekend have already been established racing competitions, bonfires and camps of friends or simply enjoy a refreshing swim will now not only for locals but for visitors who want to share co n them of this beautiful place.

Canton: Quito
Parish: Nanegalito
Address: Valley
Tandayapa Getting there: Take the Calacalí - Independence to km52 and take the detour to Tandayapa 12 kilometers.
Town Name: Tandayapa Distance: 10km
in this sector can temporary hike in the woods, horseback riding, accommodation and food services, tours of nearby sites.
Category: Natural Site
Type: River
Subtype: River
Owner: Community
Parish: Nanegalito
Address: San Vicente Sector
Getting there: of Nanegalito (sector's Armenia) is taken the way to the Covenant to the entrance from San Vicente Santa Elena.
Town Name: San Vicente Distance: 3.5km
Town Name: Nanegalito Distance:
Tulipe Access to the river, which along its banks has made its way through the volcanic rock to unique ways to keep almost constant mass and ideal for swimming or to seek adventure continued to walk among waterfalls.
As the activities are complemented by the practice of tubing, rappelling, camping, to orient visitors to a simpler form of tourism and cont act with the activity passion and perfection natural.
Before leaving always a good idea to try the typical dishes of the area close to the mark a variety of fruits on the palate pleasing memory.
Name: Motocross Track
Category: Cultural Manifestation
Type: Technical Work
Subtype: Motocross Track
Owner: unknown do
Address: Sector Cartagena
Directions: In Armenia, take the road to the Covenant to the turning that leads to Cartagena (4 miles)
Town Name: The Armenia Distance: 4km
Name: Ceremonial Center Tulipe
Category: Cultural Manifestation
Type: Historic
Subtype: Civil Architecture
Owner: Community
Canton: Quito
Parish: Nanegalito
Address: Via La Armenia - Covenant
Directions: From Nanegalito to Armenia and take the road to the Covenant to the area of \u200b\u200bTulipa, there is signage. Located next to the railroad
Town Name: The Armenia Distance: 7km
As archaeological features include the so-called "pools" 8 total being: 2 semicircular, 2 rectangular, 1 polygonal, 1 homer, 1 homer with two inner tubes and 1 circular, additionally, have identified a number of channels presumably water piping and structures by way of ramps and staircases, the which has led to the hypothesis of a ritual use - ceremonial, made still could not be established with certainty. However, one might think that the people yumbo created his knowledge of astronomy, geometry and architecture.
yumbo Within the town also emphasizes the construction of the mounds in the higher hills or mountains to ski. are artificial mounds with well defined shapes such as truncated pyramids and one or two ramps at the sides, it is believed that the idea was to control the territory and marked a social hierarchy.
built highway network that allowed them to market the products of the mountains and the coast without inconvenience. The culuncos or sunken roads were full of vegetation allowed the travelers to walk indoors and make your journey smoother, then these roads were used by the Incas, English and carriers.
It is certainly an ideal place to find the origins of our cultural identity and understand where we should direct us, do not miss it.