seems that the advertising campaign of the Union of Atheists and Freethinkers of Spain (UAL) , federation they belong ATEUS of Catalonia and the Madrid Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, is still controversial. Even among atheists themselves no reviews for all tastes. What I can say about it?
First, we should ask if you can do proselytizing atheist thought. In this regard, I must say that many of us have seen how dialectical weapons fail when we try to engage in dialogue with believers. There is, so to speak, a mental defense that religious people use to "shield" their beliefs against all rational evidence that they are false. The evidence and arguments against belief are reworked mentally distorted and reversed by the faithful of various religions, so long find some kind of accommodation that will eliminate the cognitive dissonance produce them, but without calling into question the fundamentals of the dogma they have learned. The religious psychopathology (because this is a disease of thought close to schizophrenia) is not cured by argument. And, let alone easy as pie with a slogan on a bus.
Which brings us, secondly, to analyze the message itself:
First, we should ask if you can do proselytizing atheist thought. In this regard, I must say that many of us have seen how dialectical weapons fail when we try to engage in dialogue with believers. There is, so to speak, a mental defense that religious people use to "shield" their beliefs against all rational evidence that they are false. The evidence and arguments against belief are reworked mentally distorted and reversed by the faithful of various religions, so long find some kind of accommodation that will eliminate the cognitive dissonance produce them, but without calling into question the fundamentals of the dogma they have learned. The religious psychopathology (because this is a disease of thought close to schizophrenia) is not cured by argument. And, let alone easy as pie with a slogan on a bus.
Which brings us, secondly, to analyze the message itself:

stop worrying and enjoy life
first called attention is that "probably" . Is it advertising agnostic? Well at first it seems: the adverb is so insulting to an atheist to a believer, and only lukewarm convinces the members of the British Humanist Association , author of the slogan. On the other hand, it seems strange to mention "God" in the singular as implying that there is only one, or you just have to take seriously the monotheistic religions. No, look, there are many gods, as many as the human imagination has been able to conceive (by the permission of the high priest Gustavo Bueno and the inquisitors of the new sect plus-quam-Athea ). And all these gods are equally non-existent (no shades probabilistic) and equally pernicious.
The second sentence brings crumb: "stop worrying" . But hey, if "god" does not exist, how is not going to worry about that so much bullshit that believe in him? The worst thing is not that these Christians are a mindless, but there are many and, even worse, try to take his flock: double or triple cause for concern. And, of course, no one can be serious about "and enjoy life" .
Ratzinger and his gang of Episcopal filopederastas must be rubbing their hands over a silly advertising motif. Confirms his diatribes against nihilism inherent in atheism, the absence of values, selfish hedonism, etc. Let's see: enjoy life very well and it's highly recommended. But so do many believers, some even enjoy it more when I make puñeta those who do not follow their doctrines. And we agree that it is much better than such people no longer enjoy life as soon as possible, right?
The second sentence brings crumb: "stop worrying" . But hey, if "god" does not exist, how is not going to worry about that so much bullshit that believe in him? The worst thing is not that these Christians are a mindless, but there are many and, even worse, try to take his flock: double or triple cause for concern. And, of course, no one can be serious about "and enjoy life" .
Ratzinger and his gang of Episcopal filopederastas must be rubbing their hands over a silly advertising motif. Confirms his diatribes against nihilism inherent in atheism, the absence of values, selfish hedonism, etc. Let's see: enjoy life very well and it's highly recommended. But so do many believers, some even enjoy it more when I make puñeta those who do not follow their doctrines. And we agree that it is much better than such people no longer enjoy life as soon as possible, right?
The third of our considerations is that referring to the need for the campaign itself, beyond the limited or no use reflective proselytizing or you may have. And here is where I do I see a sense, because in Spain it seems that only have mouth criminal-Catholic sect and sectillas guarrangélicas shift. If we had to endure almost daily the braying of the defenders of the faith, atheist movement would probably hidden in the quiet and comfortable shade. But it has reached a point where it is necessary to demonstrate in some way, be seen, be heard. Perhaps the forms have not been the right ones, but since then has achieved the goal of leaving the public arena. Here there are atheists!
And so we find the taunts of the most repressed nerd of the Iberian peninsula, with the stupid paranoia always losers, with the bad slime of Eunuchs Vatican (carnivals are shitty and pathetic Eucharistic ritual processions semanasanteras that you ride you, dear), the cries of the little patriotic protestontos (much noise and many of the faithful) etc. Some, in their hatred of freedom of conscience, have come to proclaim absurd "illegal" UAL campaign: that these clowns in psychiatric look well the Organic Law of Religious Freedom , because if advocacy of atheism is illegal, even more so would the advertising superstitious in public defend them so vehemently. Others, in their lack of imagination and vengeful grudge (where was this nonsense of turning the other cheek?) Have copied the idea and have released their own slogans , to which most insipid . Slogans that stupid and empty of any meaning, I will not stop to comment here.
The atheist bus has given even to some constipated want to give the note an alleged "conscientious objection" for not getting behind the wheel of carrying such advertisements. I come to mind posters announcing the "great vigil of the Immaculate" that are placed on stations underground and the windows of city buses. And then there are the outright fascists, children and grandchildren of Franco's murderers, who seize every opportunity to ride anger. Spain is well.
Anyway, I entertain no more. Who wants to read two good thoughts on the subject, you can do here and here. Otherwise, I think, is enough said.
The next article will talk about a much more important recent developments inspired by others and by reading "The End of Faith" by Sam Harris. When will it be? Later that soon, that's for sure.