I refer to the Blessed Mary of the Angels Ginard Marti murdered by the Reds in Madrid in 1936 and beatified by John Paul II in 2005.
The afternoon of 30 August 2008, attended Mass in the Chapel of the Religious Worship of the Eucharistic porters in Calatrava street in the City of Mallorca. There
celebrating liturgical feast of the Blessed Mary of the Angels Ginard Marti and killed on August 26, 1936 in Madrid by the enemies of the idea of \u200b\u200bGod and Fatherland and beatified in 2005 under the pontificate of Pope John Paul II saint report.
The Eucharist was very crowded and investee. Concelebration ornements red with falls as a martyr who gave testimony to their beliefs and follow the evangelical counsels do not fear those who kill the body but who want to kill the soul. Concelebration with many priests, headed by Mr Vicari General Riera Luke and the homily given by Father Palomo Crescencio of the Order of Preachers (Vice proponent of the Cause of Blessed Mary of the Angels).
solemn singing of the Eucharistic Congress in Madrid in 1911 when the moment of communion as well as the venerated relic of the Blessed Mary of the Angels once the Mass.
After the gardens of the Mother House of the Congregation founded by Father Miguel Maura Montaner (Don Toni Maura's brother who was head of the English government with the King Alfonso XIII) and Mother Maria Josefa Bernad Jordan) offered to present a small snack.
The Blessed Blessed Mary of the Angels was or Mallorcan. Born in Llucmajor on 3 April 1894. His father Ginard Sebastian Garcia, captain of the Guardia Civil Benemèrit body Campos and his mother was Margaret Marti Channels binissalamera she was.
On behalf of the Blessed Mother Mary of the Angels Ginard Marti would Sóller granddaughter of Maria Canals and stays Moncaira (sister of John Stays channels that has a street named in Soller In Channels in the field). The maternal grandmother and godmother of the Blessed llucmajorera had married a binissalamer name Anthony Martin and Margaret Martin were the parents of the parent Channels nun beatified by Pope Benedict XVI.
This parent-child relationship of the Blessed Mary of the Angels Can Soller and specifically with the channels a few hours ago I confirmed his niece (a man of white hair). Yes
my grandmother I was talking about his Soller and Can Canals. It was wrong. We can relate.
Joan Serra-B Stays Moncaira Poquet Partner and Catalina mountains Fangar Gaietà
were parents of: Bartholomew and Catherine
Stays Moncaira Partners Fangar. Bartholomew
Stays Moncaira Partners Fangar married Catherine Montaner Socies of Clay and were parents of John B Stays Moncaira Montaner (my grandfather) Catherine
Stays Moncaira Partners Fangar took to husband John solleric channels and were among other parents of Catherine and Maria Canals Stays Moncaira. Catalina Channel
Stays Moncaira contracted marriage in 1865 with his cousin John B Stays Moncaira Montaner was the widower of Margaret Bennàsser Massana Bisquerra of Gabella who had a son named John born in 1863. Maria Canals
Stays Moncaira binissalamer she married Anthony Martin and Margaret Martin were the parents of the wife of Captain Channels Civil Guard Ginard Sebastian Garcia and therefore the maternal grandparents of the Blessed Mary of the Angels Ginard Marti as has been said already canonized by John Paul II. John B
Stays Moncaira Bennàsser of Massana was my lord avi.En 1891 he married Teresa Solivella Arbonne and the following year my father was born John Stays Moncaira Solivella who in 1935 married Rosa Bisbal Alberti (my mother) I we born in 1939, Blessed Mary of the Angels pray for virgin and martyr noltros Majorcan primarily for those who think it went by mockery of the Catholic Church, its priests and their nuns. I also pray for these priests and nuns who seem to seem to shame them priests and nuns. Whoever is
Cofrade take candle.
Joan Antoni
Moncaira States
_________________ i Bisbal